Dalibo Labs APT Repository

This is the home page of Dalibo Labs APT repository. This repository provides updated DEB packages of various PostgreSQL-related projects developped in Dalibo Labs, that have not yet reached, or don't belong in PGDG APT repository.

Set up APT with the following snippet in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dalibo-labs.list:

deb http://apt.dalibo.org/labs bullseye-dalibo main

The repository is also available for noble-dalibo, jammy-dalibo, bookworm-dalibo, buster-dalibo, stretch-dalibo, jessie-dalibo and wheezy-dalibo.

Before updating APT cache, add Dalibo Labs archive GPG key:

# curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/dalibo-labs.gpg https://apt.dalibo.org/labs/debian-dalibo.gpg
# apt update -y

Available Softwares

Here is a non-exhaustive list of software available in theses repositories:

* mirrored from apt.postgresql.org